Cinnamon Swirl and Cacao Microwave Protein Mug Cake

I get bored with things very quickly and constantly need change and fun.  That’s just my life in general but it’s also about my protein.  Let’s face it… There are so many types of powdered and liquid proteins out there that taste like grass or crud.  I finally found one I like and totally overwhelmed myself.  Now I’m sick of it but don’t want the money and time I invested in finding it to go to waste.  I decided to be creative.  I also saw a photo of a deadly sweet brownie mug cake that gave me the idea.

Ingredients used in recipe.

Ingredients used in recipe.

Yes! That’s right! a personal mug cake made in under 1 minute that cuts out all the junk, contains over 31.1 grams of protein and is about 222 calories! Take that sweet tooth!!!

Enjoy the recipe and let me know what you think!!!


photo 3


~Nancy Rae

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